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Certificate of Recovery from COVID for Travel

How to Get a Certificate of Recovery for COVID in BC if You Want to Travel

Did you know that nearly four million Canadians have had COVID-19 at some point? The coronavirus pandemic has affected all parts of life, including air travel.

In response to the pandemic, many government agencies have come out with new rules for travelers. Along with new entry requirements, a lot of countries are going to let travellers into their borders with proof that they’ve recovered from COVID instead of a negative coronavirus test result.

A COVID recovery letter can be extremely useful for traveling Canadians who previously had COVID. So if you’d like to learn more, then keep on reading, and we’ll walk you through everything that you’ll need to know to get a COVID recovery letter for travel.

What to do if you recently had COVID and need to travel?

If you need to travel but were recently infected with COVID, then there are several requirements that you’ll likely need to meet in order to travel. Because the coronavirus can linger in the body for months after you’ve been infected, you might be testing positive for a long time after you’re actually sick.

First, in order to travel, you’ll need to satisfy the requirements for ending self-isolation. As of May 2022, for the CDC this is 10 days after you first have symptoms or tested positive. You’ll also need proof of your recent coronavirus infection. You can use a positive PCR test or a positive rapid test that’s been collected no more than three months before your trip.

You also will need a letter signed by a healthcare professional that says that you are okay to travel. This is your COVID recovery letter.

It is important that you go over the coronavirus entry requirements for whatever country you plan to visit. Each country has its own rules and regulations. You also need to be well aware of your own country’s rules for when you come home.

What Is a COVID Recovery Letter in Canada?

The COVID recovery letter is a document that’s been signed by a licensed healthcare professional. It lets someone who has recovered recently from the coronavirus – but still has a positive COVID test – enter the European Union, the United States, or Canada. Of course, you also need to have isolated for an appropriate amount of time.

What Is the Purpose of a COVID Recovery Letter?

When you have a COVID recovery letter, you’ll be able to fly to most destinations and back to Canada, even if you test positive for the coronavirus.

Before these COVID recovery letters were implemented, many people who had been infected couldn’t travel for weeks or months later because they kept testing positive. This was happening even though they weren’t contagious at all.

What Information Do You Need to Show Proof of Recovery from COVID?

In order to travel after having COVID, your certificate of recovery COVID will need to meet six requirements.

Whether you’re looking for a COVID recovery letter in BC, a COVID recovery letter in Vancouver, or anywhere else, the same rules apply to all of Canada.

First, it will need to show the test type. This needs to be a viral test, like a rapid antigen test or a PCR test.

You’ll also need to show where the test was performed. This means you’ll have to include the name of the lab and the lab’s contact information. Or, you’ll have to include the name of the healthcare professional who performed the test. Home tests are only valid if proctored or supervised by the Telehealth provider.

Timing is also important. Your proof of recovery needs to show that you were tested for the coronavirus no more than ninety days before your travel date. An older test isn’t going to qualify.

Of course, you’ll also need your positive test result. If you have an invalid result, then it won’t count. Some phrases that could indicate a positive test result might be COVID-19 Detected, SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Detected, Positive-SARS-CoV-2 RNA Detected, or simply Positive.

The test is also going to need to show some kind of identification. You’ll need to have your name on the test and your passport number, age, or date of birth.

You’ll also need a signed letter. This letter will need to say that you are cleared to travel. It will have to be signed by a licensed public health official or a healthcare provider. It will need to be signed and on official letterhead. The letterhead will need to display the signer’s name, phone number, and the address of the facility.

We should note that your letter doesn’t need to specify that you are going to travel. A COVID recovery letter can allow you to go on trips but also return to school or work.

Where Can I Get a COVID Recovery Letter?

You can go to your primary care doctor or an urgent care clinic to get a COVID recovery letter. If you are looking for convenience and affordability then you should consider using Walk In.

With Walk In, you can register online and then video or phone chat with a virtual doctor. Our services include issuing and signing COVID recovery letters for a nominal fee.

Get a COVID Recovery Letter in Canada Today.

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a better idea of what a COVID recovery letter is and how it can benefit you. Just because you recently tested positive for COVID doesn’t mean that you need to be stuck inside for months on end.

Now, there’s a solution that’s simple, easy, and effective.

Are you interested in going on a trip or returning to work and want a COVID recovery letter? Or maybe you just want to talk to a licensed doctor in a convenient and quick manner. Either way, book with us today and see what Walk In’s online doctors can do for you!

Please note that travel restrictions and requirements are always changing – this information is up to date as of May 2022.

Get a COVID Recovery Letter Online on Walk In.

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