
Tecta Medication – Generic Name, Uses, Side Effects

Learn about Tecta 40 mg

Studies have shown that between 20 and 30% of Canadians suffer from stomach ulcers each year. They also experience a wide range of other gastrointestinal problems that can leave them in a lot of pain.

If you were recently diagnosed with any of these issues and prescribed a PPI, you might want to learn more about a medication called Tecta 40 mg. If you have heartburn, it can help relieve the pain or discomfort you’re feeling.

So, what is Tecta? What is Tecta used for? And how does Tecta work?

We’re going to answer these questions about Tecta and shed some light on things like the Tecta side effects as well. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know about Tecta so that you can figure out if it’ll be right for you.

What Is Tecta?

Tecta is a medication that was first developed by the Canadian pharmaceutical company Takeda GmbH. This is the same company that was responsible for first developing Pantoloc.

Both Pantoloc and Tecta belong to a family of medications called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs. These medications are designed to help reduce the amount of acid that is produced in a person’s stomach.

While Pantoloc also goes by the generic name pantoprazole sodium, the Tecta generic name is pantoprazole magnesium. Although Tecta is marketed as a new and improved form of Pantoloc, clinically has been shown to be as effective. Generally speaking, it has a longer half life than Pantoloc, meaning it’s effects may last longer.

What Is Tecta Used For?

Tecta is a stomach medication that can be used to treat many gastrointestinal problems caused by too much acid being present in a person’s stomach. As we alluded to earlier, some great examples of this are stomach ulcers or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).

Stomach ulcers can affect those who have infections caused by the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). They can also affect those who use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) too often. The Tecta medication can be used to treat these ulcers quickly.

Tecta is also used to treat many other gastrointestinal issues, including:

If you’ve just started to suffer from gastrointestinal problems, or worse, if you’ve been having these issues for months or even years now, you should speak with your doctor about how Tecta might help. The Tecta medication could help relieve bothersome symptoms with your stomach.

How Does Tecta Work?

Stomach acid is secreted by the parietal cells in the proximal two thirds (body) of the stomach. These cells are lined with proteins called proton pumps that are in charge of helping produce and deliver the acid that your stomach needs in order to break down foods and to help with digestion. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with having this acid in your system. It’s usually a part of normal bodily function.

But those who have been diagnosed with any of the conditions that were previously mentioned will offer experience gastrointestinal problems due to too much acid being in their systems. It could force them to spend at least a portion of their lives living in pain.

Tecta works by blocking the actions of the proton pumps in your body. By doing this, the Tecta medication will lower the amount of acid found in your stomach and help clear up conditions like stomach ulcers, reflux esophagitis, etc.

How Is Tecta Taken?

Generally speaking, those who take Tecta for gastrointestinal problems will take a Tecta 40 mg tablet each day. But how you take Tecta is going to be based largely on which condition it’s used to treat. Your doctor should be able to provide you with insight on how you should take Tecta to treat your specific issue.

Some people may have to take this medication twice a day, especially if they have a more severe ulcer or disease.

Those with gastroesophageal reflux disease, meanwhile, may need to take one Tecta 40 mg tablet each day for weeks to months before returning to their doctor for a reevaluation. Your doctors may decide to continue Tecta if considered medically necessary. Never change your medications without discussing with your doctor first.

It’s important for us to note that these are just basic bits of information on how Tecta is typically taken. Your doctor might advise you to start off with a lower dose or to take Tecta for shorter periods of time based on the issues you’re dealing with at this time. Always seek an individualized treatment plan.

How Long Can Tecta Be Used?

Tecta can be very effective for those diagnosed with any of the conditions that have been mentioned thus far. But it’s worth noting that Tecta is not always prescribed as a long-term medication for those with gastrointestinal problems.

Most people will only take Tecta for weeks to months before getting off it. This is because some studies have suggested that long-term use of Tecta and other PPIs can increase your chances of vitamin malabsorption, calcium deficiency, gut infections such as C. Diff, and more.

You should speak with your doctor about how long they would like for you to use Tecta and follow their instructions.

The PPI class of medications are commonly started and should be reviewed for medical necessity on an ongoing basis.

What Are the Tecta Side Effects?

Like almost all medications on the market today, there are going to be some side effects that people may experience when taking Tecta.

The good news is that most people don’t experience any of the Tecta side effects that have shown up during studies. Pantoprazole is a commonly used medication. But even still, you should make sure that you are aware of the side effects that some people may have while on Tecta.

Some of the least severe Tecta side effects are:

  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Mild diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

There are also a few slightly more serious Tecta side effects that you should talk to your doctor about as soon as possible if you experience them. They include:

  • Changes in vision
  • More severe diarrhea
  • Joint pain
  • Liver damage signs, like yellowing of the eyes, dark yellow urine, and loss of appetite
  • Rash that appears on the arms and/or cheeks and gets worse following exposure to the sun

You should also look out for several Tecta side effects that will let you know that you should stop taking this drug right away and let your doctor know about it. They include:

  • Severe skin rash that includes a combination of blistering and peeling skin
  • Muscle damage signs, like unexplained tenderness in the muscles and brown urine
  • Allergic reactions that involve abdominal cramping, swelling of the throat, or breathing troubles

Don’t ignore any of the Tecta side effects, no matter how severe they might be. Your doctor might need to make adjustments to your medication regimen to help you get the relief you need.

Which Drugs May Interact With Tecta?

About one-third of Canadian adults take more than one medication on a regular basis. For this reason, you shouldn’t be shy about talking to your doctor about any other medications you take before they prescribe you Tecta.

Pantoprazole magnesium may interact with some medications. Here are some of the medications that don’t always interact well with Tecta:

  • Amphetamines
  • Bisphosphonates
  • Carbamazepine
  • Clopidogrel
  • Delavirdine
  • Ledipasvir
  • Mesalamine
  • Raltegravir
  • Rilpivirine
  • Velpatasvir

We want to make sure to emphasize that this is not a complete list of all the medications that might interact with Tecta. There are also a whole host of other medications that your doctor might tell you not to take along with Tecta.

It’s why you should make it a point to bring this particular topic up to your doctor in the first place. They’ll be able to give you better advice on which medications you can and cannot take with Tecta. It could help you avoid suffering from any unnecessary Tecta side effects.

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